Chosen Sortable Extension Fork (v1.0.1)

This JQuery plugin adds JQuery UI sortable functionality to multiple selects and allows the order of selection to be maintained. The original was coded by Yves Van Broekhoven & Simon Menke on 2012-07-05 and forked by Andy Thomas on 2014-08-04.

The fork adds the following features not found in the original:

  • Updated to use the 'chosen-' class prefix used by newer versions of Chosen, but with backward compatibility for versions still using the old 'chzn-' one.
  • Checks that JQuery UI is loaded.
  • Sizes the placeholder equal to the option being dragged.


The following demos show the Chosen Sortable Extension Fork working with new & old versions of Chosen:

Chosen is © 2011–2013 Harvest.
Chosen Sortable Extension Fork by Andy Thomas.
Chosen & the Chosen Sortable Extension Fork are both licensed under the MIT license.